White Hair downstairs.
When I was around 12 I had white pubic hair. I shaved it because I thought Mother would shout at me. Now it’s back! White hair is back. I...
Work in Progress - stone carving.
Trying my hand at stone carving again.
Okay day.
So, today I have been out with Mother - in the car. I get up fairly late and go out with Mum. We go to a shop, get something to drink and...
I’m back posting..
So, I haven't been on here for a while. I was going through a lot, but am better now. Well, kind of better. I was going through hell....
My work.
Yes, so after leaving college, I spent from 2006 - 2011 in a room, not going out for months at a time. The first room was my mum's house,...
My favourite quote.
One of my favourite quotes ever... "And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing...
My life.
So, I've been thinking alot recently. I sometimes feel like no one understands me. I feel like shit and so fed up. I wrote some poetry...
I’ve been writing a lot of poetry lately, and it concerns how people most notably my family have treated me in the past. I think it needs...